Bring glory to the Pirate Coalition!
Pirate Raids Online is an old school inspired MMORPG for PC with a modern twist. Play as a Demigod leading the Pirate Coalition in a rebellion against the tyrannical forces of The Navy and save Ascaron from the new world order!
Defend Ascaron from the new world order!
A newly founded tyrant regime infamously known as The Navy seeks to burn, pillage and capture all within the reach of their expanding empire. Their conquest stretches outwards into the seas and islands of Ascaron, wreaking havoc and threatening all who stand in the way of their new world order. A group of rebels and freedom fighters have taken up arms against the merciless tyrants, but to no avail…

However, there is still hope… As ancient prophecies once foretold… that in the face of immense evil, the unification of the Soulstones shall fulfill a sacred primordial ritual and give rise to the divine summoning of Elefrihet; the almighty god of justice and supreme patron of Ascaron. Eternally bound to a state of dormancy following the great god wars, Elefrihet endowed the Demigod tribes of Ascaron as devoted guardians of the Soulstones and preservers of their divine powers. In a collective effort to end The Navy’s conquest of humanity, the rebellion established The Pirate Coalition; an alliance between the pirate tribes of men seeking to reunite the Demigods, now lost to time and isolation, to fulfill the ancient prophecy and save humanity from annihilation. Will you join The Pirate Coalition and fight to protect Ascaron from the new world order?
Explore a dynamic world on both land & sea!
Whether on land or sea, the world of Ascaron is abundant with wildlife, and rich in resources. Master the pioneered skills of the Demigods and gather a wide range of materials to improve weapons, equipment, ships, and structures to strengthen the might of The Pirate Coalition.

Set sail on your very own ship and travel to islands and continents where you can seek prized goods and ancient treasures, raid Navy encampments, or even test your mettle with your fellow pirates.
Vast world to conquer!PvE
The tyrannical actions of The Navy have tainted Ascaron with dark forces and energies that have not been seen for thousands of years. Rumors spread of deadly dungeons from the days of old resurfacing and mythical monsters laying waste to island inhabitants.
Prove your might!PvP
The Pirate Coalition welcomes its members to engage in competition with one another. Hone your skills and prove your might among your fellow pirates in various risk-based PVP arenas and territories to compete for glory and prized rewards!
Demigod Tribes
Over a thousand years ago, the Godfeud reached the peak of catastrophe when Torantika, the goddess of death, set loose her monstrous creatures on humanity. Elefrihet, the god of justice and patron of Ascaron, challenged this legion of darkness by creating a race of Demigods to defend humanity.
The Dwarves were endowed dominion and guardianship over the mountains of Ascaron. Their defensive tactics and expertise in fortifying structures pose a great threat to Navy invasions.
Elefrihet tasked the Tritons as the inhabitants and guardians of the seas assuring that dark evil shall never again plague the waters of Ascaron. As expert shipbuilders and masters of the sea, the Tritons possess nautical prowess that intimidates even the highest ranked Navy ship captains.
With the blessing of Elefrihet, the Runeborne were made to be the wardens of the tundras and forests of Ascaron. Their ferocity and ruthlessness in battle threatens the safety and security of Navy settlements.
Equipped with predatory instincts that enhance their agility and swiftness, the Amazonian Demigods are silent killers feared by all. As caretakers and lethal protectors of the jungle, the Amazonians strike silently and quickly, making them apex predators dreaded by The Navy.
Master your combat skills in a unique classless system
The Pirate Coalition does not discriminate over the style of combat you wish to use; so long as it brings destruction to the Navy.

Master up to 10 weapon builds featuring unique combat styles and ability trees. For fighters seeking a more versatile experience, combine 1-handed weapons with off-hand gear or other 1-handed weapon types to create hybrid combat builds that best suit your battle needs.
Sharpen your skills in close-range combat and become a fierce warrior in the Pirate Coalition.
Hone your skills in ranged combat and become an apex predator in the Pirate Coalition.
Master various disciplines of magic combat and become a sacred acolyte in the Pirate Coalition.
Sail to new horizons
The Demigods have perfected their craft of seafaring for thousands of years, with each tribe having developed their own take on ship mastery based on the very needs of their kind. As one of the first Demigods joining the Pirate Coalition, your success will depend upon your capacity to dominate the seas of Ascaron.

Your journey on sea will begin once you have proven yourself capable of constructing your own ship which appropriately honours the Demigods of your tribe. Once at sea, become a ship master by improving your skills in combat, exploration, fishing, and constructing ship upgrades!
Additional Features
Track down and tame some of the most wondrous little creatures in Ascaron. They prove useful in function and fashion either as helpers on your journey, or flaunted by your side as adornments.
Many beasts can be bonded or broken in the Amberock Stables. Travel far and wide on the lands of Ascaron with your valiant steed so that you may serve the Pirate Coalition more efficiently.
Life Skills
Master the ancient crafts of the Demigods and supply the Pirate Coalition’s demand for weapons, equipment, and resources. Become a master of up to 10 unique life skills and fuel the war against the Navy.
In game trading system
Whether on the road, or at the famous Pirate Exchange, the Pirate Coalition welcomes and encourages free trade among its members. Trade or exchange your goods with your fellow pirates and enter trade auctions at the Pirate Exchange.
Player driven economy
Contrary to the will of the Navy, the Pirate Coalition enforces free trade among pirates with supply and demand dictated by the needs and wants of the Pirate Coalition.